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Enhances document comprehension via chatbot. (-3 points)


Docubro is a tool called ChatGPT that focuses on making documentation more accessible and easy to understand. It functions as a chatbot that can be integrated into websites effortlessly.

With Docubro, users can concentrate on their day-to-day tasks while the tool takes care of answering customer inquiries based on the information available in the documentation.Powered by React, Docubro offers an easy-to-use interface for seamless integration and navigation.

It aims to support users in providing accurate and timely responses to customer queries, reducing the time spent on manual responses.Docubro offers different pricing plans to cater to various needs.

The Team Plan is suitable for individuals and small teams and costs €20 per month, while the Enterprise Plan targets enterprise-level and high-volume projects and is priced at €70 per month.

Both plans provide users with a 7-day trial period and a 14-day money-back guarantee.The plans come with different features, such as shared or dedicated clusters for improved performance and faster response times.

Additionally, the Enterprise Plan includes developer support to assist with technical issues.Docubro provides various resources and channels for support, including access to documentation, a community forum, and social media presence on Twitter.

It also values privacy and provides a Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions for users’ reference.© 2023 kanekotic


Launch Date




From $20/mo



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