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Efficient personalized support automation and chatbot.


Kommunicate’s AI Chatbot for Customer Service Automation is a tool that enables businesses to deliver efficient and personalized customer support experiences.

The tool combines human and conversational AI chatbot software to automate and scale customer communication. With its no-code builder, users can quickly create chatbots from scratch.The tool offers features such as seamless integration between bots and human agents, ensuring a smooth hand-off and delivering the best customer experience.

It also supports rich messaging to enhance engagement. The chatbot builder is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that empowers users to create NLP-powered support bots and conversational workflows without the need for coding.

These bots can perform tasks like qualifying leads, scheduling meetings, and providing 24/7 customer support.Kommunicate’s platform allows businesses to manage all customer conversations from a single dashboard.

It supports various channels, including bots, live chat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Line. The dashboard provides valuable insights and analytics, empowering both human agents and bots with AI-powered intent insights.

This helps businesses leverage user information, events, and conversation history to enhance sales, marketing, and customer support efforts.Overall, Kommunicate’s AI Chatbot for Customer Service Automation is a comprehensive tool that automates customer conversations, improves lead generation, and enhances customer experience.

It is trusted globally by enterprises and startups alike, offering a simple and powerful solution for businesses looking to streamline their customer support processes.


Launch Date




From $40/mo



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