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Taboo AI

Challenge game for language learning and socializing.


Taboo.AI is an AI-powered game designed to challenge players’ knowledge and vocabulary in various topics. The game provides daily challenges to players, allowing them to compete with friends on the leaderboard.

Players can also create their own word lists to customize the game experience. Taboo.AI is designed to improve the English language skills of players, making it an excellent tool for language learners.The game’s newly updated scoring system takes into account the quality of clues provided by players, not just their speed in passing each stage.

Players will be assessed based on the informativeness, creativity, and knowledge scope of the clues provided. The harder the difficulty level, the more weight the clue quality carries in the final score.

The AI also penalizes players who attempt to cheat by giving inadequate clues. The game’s scoring system ensures players are rewarded for their overall performance, not just their speed.Taboo.AI also features a better view for results on mobile, with the result page now folding all sub-results for each stage by default.

The timer alert feature warns players when it’s past 50 seconds and becomes red when it’s past 100 seconds. The timer score portion is inversely linearly related to the time taken for players to complete the stage.

Taboo.AI is powered by Next.JS and OpenAI API and developed by Li Yuxuan. The game’s website includes a privacy policy and cookie policy, as well as links to information about new features and release roadmap.

Players can also provide feedback using a feedback form or join the Taboo.AI community on Discord.


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